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Giveaway No. 21000: Publishers Clearing House will be taking a Special Early Look for a SuperPrized winner from Giveaway No. 21000. All April 30th Special Early Look oniine Bulletins/Promotions during the timeframie of 2/26/23 through 4/28/23 will be assigited valld SuperPrize
Numbers fully eligible to win a $10,000.00 SuperPrize from
Giveavy No. 21000 on April 30, 2023. These SuperPrize Numbers WIll also be fully elinible to win a guaranteed $1 Million SuperPrize on April
30. 2023 in a Second Shance Drawing If the matching winning number for this “Prize of a Lifetime” Special Early Look SuperPrize is not returned or is ineligible. Some bulletins/promations during this timeframe may offer an upgrade, bonus, or entiancement to the $10,000.00 SuperPrize, In order for an upgrade, enhancement, or borus to be awarded, the SuperPrize must have been won with the matching winning number. Your entry will be dated immediatety upon receipt. All you need to do to participate in the wminer selection process is to enter by the deadline